Assessing Strategies of Reducing School Dropout in Zanzibar
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This study investigated effectiveness of strategies that reduce school dropout in
upper primary and lower secondary students in Zanzibar, the case of Central District.
Specifically this study focused on factors that cause school dropout, strategies
designed to reduce dropout problem and relevance of strategies that were designed to
reduce school dropout. The study adopted qualitative approach targeting upper
primary and lower secondary levels of students in Unguja Ukuu, Kibele, Kikungwi
and Tunguu schools in Central District. Sample sizes of 55 respondents used by
using purposive sampling and convenience sampling procedures. Interview and focus
group discussion methods used to collect data. Interview and focus group data were
recorded by using mobile sound recorder. Collected data were coded and analyzed
thematically. The study revealed factors for school dropout in upper primary and
lower secondary level comprised of school related factors as well as out of school
ones. The former include ineffective ways of teaching, students’ class repetition, lack
of school feeding programme and students’ embarrassment. The latter embrace
economic related factors, social related factors, geographical factors and individual
factors. The study discovered several strategies have been designed to reduce school
dropout, including establishment of guidance and counseling units, use of police
stations as well as use of alternative punishments. The study concluded some
strategies that are in place have had little success because they are not practiced
effectively and through their application they fail to reduce school dropout while
strategies have had success because they are practiced effectively as well as they
flourished to reduce dropouts. The study recommends that emphasizes should put
much to the uses of those effective strategies that help to reduce school dropout,
there is a need to emphasize on the use of effective strategies that are in place,
schools to improve strong relationship between parents and teachers so as to keep
students present and active in schools, as well as school should amend those
ineffective strategies that are in place in order to increase the strategies which can
help to reduce school dropout
This study investigated effectiveness of strategies that reduce school dropout in
upper primary and lower secondary students in Zanzibar, the case of Central District.